With the children of Barlovento: an experience from Colombia
At an EduxEdu-project course I acquired a greater knowledge of the reality of children and young people today and I did not want this wealth to fade away.
With some of the community including R., a musician, we decided to get active in the Barlovento district in Barranquilla (Colombia). There the children and young people do not have an environment to play in and are in conditions of great poverty and vulnerability.
We have created a choir for children and young people in this neighborhood: music is a means that can transform situations and involve others. We try to transmit and infuse them with values such as love, respect, sharing, so that they can spread a new way of life in their environments, at home, in the neighbourhood and at school. We meet with them, about thirty or so, once a week and it is always a party!
This initiative has already led to a change. R.’s office manager took an interest and proposed to each of the team to take care of a child. For the time being, they bring snacks to share every week, have offered patronage for a visit to the zoo and other recreational activities. We plan to continue this project in stages. But we are now underway!