Vision & Mission
The pedagogy proposed takes inspiration from the Charism of Unity of Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement. “The Movement and the stages of its development can be viewed as one continuous, extraordinary educational event. All the necessary factors are present, including a well-defined educational theory,” 1 a pedagogy which establishes a new educational action.
The training program is based on a patrimony of more than fifty years of experience, initiatives, projects carried ahead throughout the world to promote and let children and young people experience values such as peace, universal fraternity, and solidarity with the most vulnerable of society.
The mission of EDUxEDU project is to promote a new culture of childhood and adolescence.
Children and young people are not only carriers of needs and vulnerability, passive recipients of our educational actions and initiatives, but jointly responsible for building personal relationships that contribute fully to the growth of society. As a result they are no longer the object of education, but subjects – people – who, through their particular wisdom, sensitivity, creativity, protagonism, are active members of the community and indispensable contribution to the development in their local area where they live as well as for all of humanity.
But what is the idea of education behind EDUxEDU project?
Too often educating means limiting oneself to filling the heads of children and young people with rules, notions, how to be or what needs to be done, forgetting the great and surprising potential that is already in them, through which they too can be protagonists of relationships that are educational.
The ethics of the words ‘to educate’ – latin e-ducere – instead recalls the Maieutic Art of “pulling out”, “bringing to light”. Therefore, to educate means to accompany the other in fully and freely fulfilling oneself, in relationship with others. This is the ultimate goal, the mission, of the educator.
1. Chiara Lubich, Washington, November 10, 2000, Conferment to Chiara L. of the Doctorate honoris causa in Pedagogy from the Catholic University of America ( charisma-of-the-united-and-pedagogia.html)