International Conference March 2019

  21 March 2019

Co-responsibility,relationship and reciprocity in education of children and young people were the themes of the international Convention for the formators from the 2nd to the 6th March 2019 at Castel Gandolfo (Rome), promoted by Movimento dei Focolari in collaboration with the university Lumsa,the universitary institution Sophia, partner of EDUxEDU project, with Amu (Azione Mondo Unito onlus), EdU (EducazioneUnità project) and Afn (Azione Famiglie Nuove onlus). 400 participants from the 5 continents were present,including parents,teachers,pedagogues,animators and assistants of children and young people,catechists.


The five days of the conference have proposed an itinerary through several steps with highly qualified contributions from scholars and specialists from different countries:rediscovering the identity of the educator and the new generations,learning new languages and tools for intergenerational and inter-agency dialogue,opening up and giving oneself to the territory,dreaming and building the future together.


The involvement of the participants led to the drafting of a charter of commitment to forge an alliance between different actors in the educational field. An active response to the fragmentation and isolation of our society, to be a team again,to dream together,to plan with the contribution of each one, where children and young people experience themselves as active co-builders of fraternity relationship.


